Lowongan Administration Head - Area Jakarta Depok Bogor

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Informasi lowongan kerja Administration Head - Area Jakarta Depok Bogor di Pt Finansia Multi Finance telah dipublikasikan pada Selasa , 01 September 2020 via LokerHub. Simak lebih lanjut tentang info loker Administration Head - Area Jakarta Depok Bogor.


Tugas dan tanggung jawab:

  • Memonitor tugas bawahannya di kantor cabang maupun pos sesuai aturan perusahaan
  • Memonitor stock opname BPKB
  • Memonitor proses aplikasi kredit serta dokumen pendukungnya
  • Memonitor kecepatan dan ketepatan data yang teinput dalam sistem
  • Memonitor penerimaan angsuran dari customer serta membuat rekonsiliasi bank
  • Memonitor klaim asuransi
  • Mengontrol surat-surat penarikan unit kendaraan


  • Usia maksimal 35 tahun
  • Pendidikan minimal S-1
  • Memiliki pengalaman bekerja di level Supervisor Administrasi minimal 1 tahun di perusahaan multifinance/perbankan
  • Memiliki pengalaman menggunakan sistem confins (nilai tambah)
  • Mampu menggunakan Ms. Office 
  • Komunikatif & mampu bekerja secara team
  • Menyukai tantangan, teliti  dan berdedikasi tinggi
  • Penempatan Jakarta Bogor Depok

Diposting 4 tahun yang lalu

Ditutup Minggu , 30 Mei 2021

Tentang PT Finansia Multi Finance

PT Finansia Multi Finance (“FMF” or “the Company”) was founded in 1994. FMF received its multifinance licence in 1994 and is fully licenced to conduct a full range of multifinance activities including consumer finance, leasing, factoring and credit cards.

Today, FMF and its kreditplus brand are established as leading players within the multifinance sector with a focus on the used motorcycle financing, used car financing and white goods financing segments. As at 30 June 2014, FMF finances 772,234 customers through a proprietary distribution network of 313 branches / POS outlets and supported by a workforce of 13,682 employees.

On its establishment, FMF adopted a dual focus on both the retail and commercial segment largely in response to the opportunities available in the market. Following the Asian Financial Crisis (“AFC”), FMF, like many other financial institutions in Indonesia, adjusted its strategic business model and risk management framework to reflect lessons learnt over the period.

Over its 20 years of operation, FMF has weathered the course of a number of credit cycles and financial crises through a willingness and flexibility to adapt its business model and practices in response to shifting regulatory and operating environments. This adaptability has provided FMF with valuable operating experience within a number of different business segments and product groups across both the retail and commercial markets. 

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